Sunday, November 28, 2010

How did you do?

did you make it through the Thanksgiving Holiday without too many calories?? I can not say that I did, I can say that I had an AWESOME workout that morning with my good friend Angela, and then I ate and enjoyed every moment of it. I had everything I wanted , and I had some of all the desserts that I wanted to have. I drank lots of wine, and ate lots of food. I did not feel guilty, not for one second. And on Friday I went right back to eating the healthy way that I enjoy, and working out as I also enjoy. It is totally possible to enjoy your Holiday, the key is to only enjoy the DAY, and not turn it into 4 because you have leftovers in the house, or because you are off for 4 days. THAT IS KEY!!!

I did something pretty amazing over the weekend too, I took my cycle certification course and I passed with 97% ! Whoo hoo!! cant WAIT to start teaching cycle classes!

Have a good week everyone! Be healthy and Active!

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